Thursday, February 27, 2014

Erotique Issue 5 Out Now From Wapshott Press!

Greetings after many moons!!!

I write with Good News--Erotique 5 (featuring two of my sexy-stories) is now available in print and on Kindle!!!

The Spring should bring a couple of other story publications as well, which is also good news. I hope to update this blog well before those notifications, but the old track record isn't looking so good lately, is it?? I suppose I'll blame the holidays for my dearth of updates, and also my apparent new career as Microwave Assassin--have managed to kill two new ovens in three months, which I suspect is due more to an electrical outlet issue than the start of a mid-life of crime.  More Blame: Work is work is work, the cat's health has taken a teeter on the totter side recently, and I can't seem to stop reading Laura Florand's fantastic  Chocolate  novels. 

And there's Winter....(shudder-shudder). Not the most conducive season.

BUT, AWP is in town so writing is in the air, and with it the incentive to improve my correspondence skills. 

Cheers and Happy Spring, and I do hope you'll check out Erotique 5!!!

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